This is From Amy Benjamin’s Rumble
So family, so it is the 11th of May 2024.
This is the Deep State War and is in commentary and I am your host The American Spirit as always my pronouns are I/told/you/so, don't screw them up.
Coming to you today to urge each and every one of you to push back against the near constant gaslighting by the cabal puppets as they go down.
What do I mean by that?
Gaslighting is when you stand up you put on really nice looking clothes and you speak with a semi posh or highly bureaucratic accent you know to try to convey integrity and you say something that's flat-out false but you dress it up in an image that is very effective at hoodwinking those who listen to you.
So gaslighting is quite shameless you get up and say that black is white or an orange is an apple or that poor is rich and because of your accoutrements, various accoutrements, you fully expect your listeners to believe you and they often do and the main sort of issue in the spiritual wars is whether human beings will not accept the gaslighting but instead will stand up and say to these people who purport to have our best interests at heart say to these people you lie. You lie!
Despite your image, despite your accent, despite the words you use, your glibness, the way you dress, the degrees you have, the white coat you wear. I do not accept what you're saying and in fact I think you're pre-meditatively lying.
What are they lying about?
Covid arising naturally out of a wet market, the vaccines being safe and effective, Ukraine being a democracy, the Israelis and the Arabs being natural enemies, what else are they lying about?
The money being gifted to Ukraine and Israel actually being used to help those two countries rather than being laundered back to corrupt elements in the countries donating the money.
They're lying about the economy - inflation is in the process of being tamed - that's a lie.
Jobs are beginning to be recovered, that's a lie.
Your currency is not losing value, that's a lie.
Climate change - the climate of the earth is changing in a way that's detrimental to humanity because of humanity's own activities, that's a lie.
What else do we got?
9/11 was done by 19, or was it 21, 19 Arab hijackers. Donald Trump is a racist and/or a misogynist and/or a dictator. Anyone who opposes the transgender the hideous transgender ideology is perpetrating hate speech, that's a lie.
Anyone who stands up against the egregious hijacking of the LGBTQRSTUVWXYZ moment is a closet homophobe, that's a lie.
What else are they lying about?
Oh let's take it closer to home.
Liz Gunn is guilty of trespass, actually no she's not and judges thrown that out, okay she's guilty of assault because she dared to touch, in the most gentle of ways, a person who came up from being very officious she's guilty of assault, that's a lie.
She herself was not assaulted, that's a lie - see her near broken wrist and near broken shoulder. By questioning the barking orders of some woman she apparently is a racist, that's a lie.
It's getting very Orwellian out there if you haven't noticed.
War is peace, white is black, black is white.
I think many of us in the pro-humanity movement thought that we would get to a certain point and the baddies would say: “you got us you got us and so many lies actually yeah we we didn't tell the truth very often and you know well played and we give in.”
I think many of us were hoping we would we would get to a point where they would, in a sense, surrender. They're not going to surrender they're going to lie all the way into the courtroom when they're arrested and they're going to lie and gaslight and tell us wars peace and black is white even as they're led to their prison cells, once convicted, and even as they're led to the hangman's noose if they're sentenced to death and I think there will be there will be capital punishment for many of them.
And it takes a bit of fortitude for us to, in a sense, call out their lies. It's absolutely indispensable, such fortitude. It requires us to grow up and say we're not children we're not going to accept on trust what you say you've you've hoodwinked us before and you shouldn't have and we're not going to let that continue.
It really does require humanity to grow a pair and to grow up and to put away childish things and to stop believing in fairy tales. Now the the man who's in the little picture that decorates my channel is Jim Garrison and he urged Americans back in 1967 to stop believing in fairy tales in that case it was the fairy tale of the conclusions of the Warren Commission regarding the JFK assassination and that was back in 1967/68 he went on NBC News and he said: “Grow up, stop believing men just because they claim that can be trusted, you must grow up, you must have the courage of your common sense and say: you lie and we will not allow ourselves to be deceived any longer.”
This is the foundation of the information war that we're all immersed in and unless we can establish this foundation by standing up and saying “you lie, we don't believe you!”, we're not going to bring this forward to a successful conclusion, so prepare that sentiment and state it loudly whenever you hear a lie - civilisation depends on it.